

Featuring key considerations to plan and design a jurisdiction’s adoption journey of ISSB sustainability disclosure standards

Jurisdictional adoption guide published for implementation of ISSB standards


On 28th May, the IFRS Foundation published Inaugural Jurisdiction Guide for the adoption or other use of ISSB Standards. The Standards were developed and published by the International Sustainability Standards Board in June 2023. The Jurisdictional Guide is designed to help jurisdictions design and plan their journey towards the adoption or other use of ISSB Standards. It aims to provide transparency to the markets on how various jurisdictions are progressing towards delivering consistent and comparable sustainability-related information. Further, it is meant to promote globally consistent and comparable climate and sustainability-related disclosures through the adoption or other use of ISSB standards. It thereby provides an essential tool for reducing fragmentation by supporting consistent and comprehensive adoption journeys across countries and limiting divergence.

Project context

Since October 2023, the IFRS Foundation and the Global Project Sustainable Economic Transformation and Sustainable Finance have been collaborating to support the implementation of ISSB standards in emerging markets and developing economies. As a result, the guide was developed by the IFRS Foundation and supported by the Global Project on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). BMZ is part of the ISSB's partnership framework for capacity building, which was launched in November 2023.

Target group

Jurisdictions planning or embarking on the adoption journey of ISSB standards.

Implementing partners

IFRS Foundation

This product/tool is part of our technical assistance service offer on:

Strengthening policy and regulatory frameworks

GIZ works closely with public actors and authorities to advance their sustainable finance reform agendas




Improving access to sustainable finance for SMEs

Access to Finance for SMEs (Accès)

Supporting digital solutions for matchmaking SMEs and financial institutions

  • taxonomy
  • development of sustainable credit products
  • SME finance
  • gender finance


Developing resilient and inclusive financial systems through responsible and sustainable finance and investment

Financial Systems Development, Sustainable Finance and Investment Sector Project

Technical and conceptual advice to the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development on national and international processes

  • climate related risk management
  • supporting transition of FIs
  • taxonomy
  • sustainable finance strategy/roadmap
  • disclosure requirements


Aligning Brazil’s financial sector with environmental and social sustainability

Sustainable Finance in Brazil – Finanças Brasileiras Sustentáveis (FiBraS)

Aligning Brazil’s financial sector with environmental and social sustainability

  • prudential regulation
  • taxonomy
  • development of sustainable credit products