
Mobilising finance for the sustainable transformation of the economy


Makaio Witte

Head of Sustainable Finance, Sustainable Economic Transformation and Sustainable Finance Global Project

Makaio Witte is Head of Sustainable Finance in the Sustainable Economic Transformation and Sustainable Finance Global Project. Makaio is passionate about international cooperation and has held various positions in the area of financial systems development. His research and work have concentrated on the impacts of the Global Financial Crisis on developing countries, international regulatory reform, prioritisation and sequencing in implementing international regulatory standards in less-developed financial systems, cross-border banking supervision and, since 2018, on various aspects of sustainable finance. Prior to joining GIZ, Makaio worked at the World Bank Finance and Private Sector Development Department and was involved in global analytical work as well as financial sector lending operations in African countries.

Our team


Angelika Frei-Oldenburg

Head, Sustainable Economic Transformation and Sustainable Finance Global Project


Severin Peters

Project Director, Access to Finance for small and medium-sized companies (SMEs)


Hayder Al-Bagdadi

Head, Financial Systems Development, Sustainable Finance and Investment Sector Project


Felix Steinberg

Head, Financing for Climate Action in Mexico (FINACC)