

Showcasing effective private capital mobilization for nature

Catalysing Finance and Insurance for Nature-based Solutions


Nature-based solutions (NbS) can be an effective way to address environmental and social challenges, including nature-related financial risks faced by economies around the globe. Although private sector engagement has picked up, nature-based solutions remain severely underfunded.

This report presents a variety of cases in which the private financial sector is supporting nature-based solutions in emerging markets and developing countries. These include investment projects, funds, and insurance vehicles across a variety of ecosystems, including mangroves, coral reefs, and agricultural systems. Building on in-depth interviews with the case owners, the case studies provide a deep understanding of the underlying business models and financial structures and highlight key social and environmental impacts.

Project context

Target group

Banks, insurance companies, asset managers, NbS project developers


The report was published in August 2023.

This product/tool is part of our technical assistance service offer on:

Transforming financial industry players

GIZ’s collaboration with the public sector is complemented by, and often directly involves, working with the private financial sector.



Germany, Brazil, India, Peru, Rwanda, Mexico, Egypt, Senegal

Aligning economic and financial systems with global sustainability agendas to mobilise capital for socially and environmentally sustainable investments

Sustainable Economic Transformation and Sustainable Finance Global Project

Aligning economic and financial systems with global sustainability agendas to mobilise capital

  • climate related risk management
  • supporting transition of FIs
  • taxonomy
  • sustainable finance strategy/roadmap
  • disclosure requirements
  • support for green bond issuance


Developing resilient and inclusive financial systems through responsible and sustainable finance and investment

Financial Systems Development, Sustainable Finance and Investment Sector Project

Technical and conceptual advice to the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development on national and international processes

  • climate related risk management
  • supporting transition of FIs
  • taxonomy
  • sustainable finance strategy/roadmap
  • disclosure requirements


Achieving greener and inclusive long-term growth in Viet Nam through improved management of public and private resources

Macroeconomic Reforms/Green Growth Programme

Supporting the Vietnamese government in formulating and implementing macroeconomic reforms

  • taxonomy
  • support for green bond issuance